When you have several projects to manage simultaneously, a package like Robaws is indispensable to keep everything on track. Now, the interior architects we often work with know that we basically always meet our deadlines. Planning is everything and a major asset of Robaws.

Tweepunteen’s challenges
- Streamlining communication across the office and construction site
How did Robaws help?
- Integrating the Wappy digital work order app
The planning module is extremely well designed, flexible and comprehensible. We were able to fully customise the module to suit our needs and the link to Wappy is fantastic for our people. No misunderstandings, flawless communication and all the info in one place, on your smartphone at all times. We really couldn't go back to our old method.
Project management
We always adopt a project-based approach, bringing to life the vision of designers and interior architects. We are genuinely passionate about our profession and sometimes go to great lengths to create ambiance and an exceptional interior. At times it’s really satisfying when you see the end result. To carry out more complex projects, we have acquired a wide range of machinery and draw on our many years of experience as furniture makers. Robaws' support is vital in this regard.
About Tweepunteen
Tweepunteen is run by Pieter Martin and Cédric Hovelaque and is located in Kortrijk. It has grown into a robust SME with 30 employees and some great references you can check out on the website. A strong team that is really well matched, “because every chain is only as strong as its weakest link,” says Cédric Hovelaque.
Visit the website of Tweepunteen here.