"We can install a new ceiling in a day and compile a quotation in minutes."

MonaVisa’s challenges
- Bringing structure to a growing business
How did Robaws help?
- Implementing detailed and automated workflows
Opting for Robaws
Robaws was an obvious choice. The ease of use and the possibility of fully customising the package to MonaVisa's operations were the decisive factors.
MonaVisa specialises in installing stretch ceilings and stretch walls. The application is perfectly suited to both the residential and professional markets. We increasingly find that acoustics play a decisive role in the choice of our stretch walls, e.g. in the hospitality industry or in companies. Certainly do not underestimate the impact of negative acoustics on your restaurant experience or your employees’ performance. There’s nothing more annoying than a fellow diner who can't understand you, or distracting noises during a meeting. To clearly map the acoustic situation of a room for our customers, we have developed an app that provides us with the necessary acoustic data.
Even more advantages.
Besides the acoustic aspect, stretch ceilings offer some obvious advantages. Your new ceiling, including lighting, is installed quickly and is carried out by one contractor. You no longer need to paint and finish plasterboards.
And despite all the advantages, in some cases you will even pay less for a stretch ceiling or stretch wall than for a traditional suspended plasterboard ceiling. The combination of all these advantages at no extra cost is evidently the reason why the company is experiencing strong growth, and our products are becoming increasingly popular.
About Mona Visa
For the past two years, Dieter Simoens has run MonaVisa, together with co-partner Jonathan. From the start, the entire business approach was professional, and the various business processes were optimised. “Get off to a good start and you’re half way there, especially if you want to build a thriving business.”